Tuesday, December 17, 2013


This is to all of the people that may be wondering what the journey is like (if you are waiting on your transplant)
It is fantastic!  There are continuous blessings!  But....it is extremely exhausting! 
As I look over the past three years, our God has held our hand every step of the way.  If it were not for OUR God, it would be impossible.
You would think by the appearance of Jennifer and her ability to breathe now, things are okay and we are looking any troubles we've had in the rearview mirror.
Not the case.  As a transplant patient, you are forced to stay on your toes.  Each day you wake up, it could be something new:
*Low on energy
*Medicine could be out of balance which could lead to rejection
*Constant going to get blood drawn
*Constant check on potential viruses that you could get from just about anything!
*Planning out your day and carefully diagnosing if it is safe to be somewhere without catching a sickness
*The effort of taking your 30 meds on time!  This sounds so easy....until you try it every day!  5 times a day!
*Driving 13 hours to Duke Medical....three to four days trip each time and driving 13 hours back at least four times per year.
*Each time you make the trip, you brace yourself for the potential of rejection.
Enough of the negativity...we live with this, knowing that the alternative would have been far worse!    We are thankful for this life and wouldn't trade these minor problems for anything.
It is extremely exhausting though.  There is mental, physical and even spiritual strain throughout most days.  It requires focus.
We keep our focus on God!  I completely want to fall to my knees as I type this.  It is beyond humbling.  I feel that there would be no way that an individual could successfully make it through this process without the LOVE of our Father. 
He has used so many of you in ways that you are not even aware of in support of us.  We are very aware and grateful for that love and support. 
God is real people.  Keep your focus......you too will hit your knees when you feel that love!  Please take time during this season to open your mind to seeing God's Glory.
Jennifer will have another surgery tomorrow.  We once again ask you to keep her in your prayers and please know that we are lifting you and yours up during this holiday season.

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